8 Reasons Independence Day Is The 90s' Star Wars

1. A Late-In-The-Day Remake/Sequel

Star Wars Independence Day Cover
Lucasfilm/20th Century Fox

It's on the face of it a rather bland observation, but what solidifies Independence Day as the next-gen Star Wars is their parallel legacy. Independence Day: Resurgence has just hit and - surprise, surprise - it's another legacyquel that serves as both a decades-on follow-up as well as being a stealth remake. It's absolutely dreadful, mind, but that it was big enough to get made at all is what's important.

Late-in-the-day sequels are all the rage now, allowing a studio to reboot a once-popular series without having to properly restart (somebody should have told Ghostbusters), and while there's a general trepidation about differing too much from the status quo, it's telling which ones follow the original's story almost to a tee; Jurassic World (the 90s Jaws), Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Independence Day: Resurgence (90s Star Wars) - the movies that are almost bigger than cinema.

Truthfully, this trend is getting a bit tiresome - sequels redoing the original used to be the norm and, while repetition is the primo creative choice, it's hard to not make it feel tired - but that a work is deemed so important it has become formula and the only way to move forward is to look back speaks a lot of just how important it was.

Do you think Independence Day is 90s Star Wars? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.