8 Reasons Suicide Squad Became A Box Office Success (Despite Being Terrible)

7. The Excellent Marketing

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Warner Bros. Pictures

Just a week before Suicide Squad hit I was gushing about the film’s marketing campaign, praising the slow-burn build-up, kinetic trailers and deft balance of tone. And while the movie we got was a world away from what we were being sold, I still stand by the teases being damn fine.

If you’re looking for the film's "something different”, this is it. There’s hints of Guardians Of The Galaxy in there, especially in the musical side of things, but this turned it up to 11, having the music play the full length and influence the edit (a problem in the movie, but fascinating here). It’s vibrant, it’s fun, and it promised a movie that was unique. The trailers are so accomplished, in fact, that I can still watch them and get excited for the film knowing it’s a dud.

In online film culture we often overlook the importance of advertising in getting the rest of the audience in, and this part is absolutely essential; on a mass sense, the marketing was perfect.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.