The Martian: 8 Ways It Shows Hollywood How To Do Science Right

1. Optimisim

The Martian comp
20th Century Fox

You'd think that a man trapped alone on an inhospitable planet against all the odds would be a bit of a downer but, in its realism, this film offers a fantastic little bit of escapism, allowing a little bit of optimism to shine through the cold grey concrete of budget cuts and Daily Mail headlines.

It lets us have a little faith in science again, rather than regarding it with the utmost suspicion as most people tend to these days.

Oftentimes in movies, the science is the destructor, the destroyer of worlds, and only love, humanity and a peppy bit of spirit (or whatever) can overcome its cold, calculating evil plans. Urgh.

The whole "they were so preoccupied with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they should", perception of the amoral, "for the greater good" scientist is mercifully absent from The Martian, framing science as not the enemy, but the ally.

So, the dust storm wouldn't have happened, so what? This is a magnificent romp through the scientific mind, long may it continue.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.