8 Reasons Wolverine Is The Most Disappointing Part Of X-Men: Apocalypse
6. The Action Is Poorly Choregraphed
Like with Quicksilver's mansion saving, I could have forgiven much of the Wolverine sequence for coming out of nowhere if it had been a well put-together scene by itself, but unfortunately it really, really isn't.
Compared to what we saw in any previous film (even, dare I say it, Origins: Wolverine), there's a skittishness about showing Weapon X really get into the guards; most of the slashing kills occur off screen. There is a single blood spurt, but its framing is so obvious it loses its effect. I suspect this is all because the film pushed the PG-13 limits elsewhere with its swearing, wall engulfing and general decimation (add to that the fact how films are rated has changed in the past sixteen years) that adding too much more in would be a limit. Fair enough, but did the sanitisation need to be so obvious?
It doesn't help that the scene is essentially set in a nondescript hallway, providing little opportunity for creativity, and what is added is hardly envelope-pushing; there's the cliché "mad man looks into the security camera" shot played straight.