8 Recent Movies Most Obviously Ruined By Bad Editing

1. Suicide Squad Ruined Everything (Especially The Joker)

Suicide Squad Harley Quinn Joker
Warner Bros. Pictures

Of course this was going to be number one. Suicide Squad is the king of movies f*cked in the edit; after an already rushed pre-production and hectic shooting, Warner Bros. came down hard on David Ayer’s super-villain team-up

It’s not even subtle. Right from the start where we’re introduced to three random characters before swerving into an onslaught of character vignettes that wouldn’t feel out of place as character trailers, things feel off, and it only gets worse from there, with a complete lack of explanation for what’s going on; the number of unexplained elements or plot-holes is obscene.

As with Batman V Superman there’s some more intrinsic issues here – chief among them to forced describing of glorified anti-heroes as “bad guys” – but the post-production problems are what buried it.

Worst Moment: The Joker.

Nothing to do with Jared Leto's Prince of Crime works. His introduction is rushed and works only if you’re au fait with the character’s storied history, his early arc random and lacking in menace, his meeting with Harley frankly pathetic and the post-crash disappearance eye-rolling. It’s like the studio decided they didn’t really want the character in the movie, but hated the idea of paying Jared Leto for nothing more.

We know there's a lot of scenes featuring Leto cut, as well as alternate takes that completely change the character, but unless there's a serious reedit on the Blu-Ray, that's not really any consolation.

Which 2016 movies do you think were most butchered in the edit? Share your picks down in the comments.

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Suicide Squad
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.