8 Ridiculous Movie Title Changes

8. Star Wars

George Lucas took a lot of inspiration from the Flash Gordon serials of the thirties when writing Star Wars €“ the opening crawl, the beginning being the end of another story €“ and particularly liked the idea of his film being the fourth part of this bigger story. However it didn€™t work well from a marketing standpoint and the movie kept its short name. When it came time for a sequel and subsequent re-release of the original in 1980, Lucas decided to go back to the idea he€™d had earlier, calling the second film the fifth part and re-editing the opening crawl of Star Wars to now call it Episode 4: A New Hope. In retrospect, the name change makes sense, but from a film purist point of view, it marks the first moment when Lucas thought it was perfectly OK to mess with his already perfect films; something that would go on to define his career.
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Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.