8 Ridiculous Origins To The Names Of Iconic Movie Characters

2. The Names In The Matrix Are So Dumb It's A Wonder People Ever Thought It Was Smart

When The Matrix sequels hit in 2003, everyone was aghast. How had the deft blending of kinetic action and high-flying philosophy become something so ponderous and pretentious? But, seriously, it should have been patently obvious from the off that the Wachowskis weren't as smart or talented as they were initially heralded. I mean, just look at the one-note character names they came up with; Neo is literally an anagram of One, Morpheus is simply one-to-one translation from the Greek God of Dreams and Trinity is called Trinity because she's the third of the main characters.

Like, that's literally it. Things didn't get better in the sequels. The pair of identical rasta-ghosts are simply called "The Twins" and the cr*p-spouting, French program who is very powerful, the Merovingian, is named after a French dynasty who were very powerful. I know they're programs made by robots, but seriously?

There are some nice readings to be made of Neo's real name, Thomas Anderson, with allusions to his double life (Thomas means "Twin") and his messianic future (Anderson means "Son of Man"), but given how obvious everything else is it's more likely the siblings simply picked it because it was pretty bland.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.