8 Scenes We Definitely Won't See in Deadpool 2

4. Deadpool Crossovers With... Little Women?

Deadpool Shiklah Bath

Crossovers make money - just look at Batman v Superman: despite lukewarm reviews, it made over $800 million. So a crossover with Deadpool might work, right?

The comics have already tried it lots of time. Unfortunately, on the page, Deadpool crosses swords with characters that would create a legal nightmare - Mowgli, Moby Dick, Ebenezer Scrooge, Zombie Presidents, and the main characters from Louisa May Alcott's classic novel, Little Women.

The 1868 novel revolves around four poverty-stricken sisters trying to survive in post-Civil War America. What part of that sounds like it could match Deadpool's tone?

Perhaps they could appear in a dream sequence or something but don't hold your breath for a full-on crossover. That's too weird even by Deadpool's standards. Fighting Zombie presidents on the other hand? They're probably saving that for Deadpool 3: Roosevelt's Revenge

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