4. Surrogates
Ive been through Surrogates before it was a film with an astonishing premise which failed to deliver, instead setting up an identikit whodunit mystery before devolving into an apocalyptic scenario. This was a shame because Surrogates premise was actually tremendous the idea that we downloaded our consciousness into machines representing our perfect selves was ripe with ideas about self-identity and consequences on the world, but the original film only paid that lip service. So while this is probably one of the latest films on the list Ive got to say it really deserves another crack at the whip, and perhaps a more esoteric crack at that. I dont want to see that surrogates have superior strength so can leap from car to car, what Id love to see is something more pensive and cerebral concerning the nature of these surrogates themselves and their wider impact upon the world. Any attempted reboot of the film would have all the tools to make something wildly thought-provoking to hand its just a question of using those tools properly. It must shy away from attempts to embrace bombast, because if it goes down that alley it becomes no better than the countless shoot-em-ups that populate the cinema world today. It needs to be taken on by somebody with the balls to keep the whole thing reined in and character-driven, because if it chooses this over the scattergun throw-all-themes-and-see-what sticks approach of the original, it just might become a great movie, and the start of a franchise.