8 Shocking Differences Between Leaked Deadpool Screenplay And Movie

7. A Spider-Man Reference

Arguably one of the biggest disappointments in Deadpool is the fact that Hugh Jackman never ends up making a physical appearance as Wolverine (other than Deadpool stapling that magazine cover to his face, he's never referenced in the script either). However, he's referenced a fair few times, and had things panned out differently, another Marvel superhero would have (sort of) been making their presence felt in this movie. When Wade is creating his superhero suit, he's shown in a costume store looking through a box of masks, one of which just happens to be a Spider-Man one. Staring at it for a moment, he turns it inside out and the sees that the interior of the mask is obviously plain red with black around the eyes. With that, the script points out that he "smirks" as "inspiration has struck." Deadpool and Spider-Man are two characters who share a fair bit of history in the comic books, but the Merc with the Mouth is owned by 20th Century Fox, while the wall-crawler calls Sony Pictures home. Whether that would have prohibited the former from using one of his masks as a prop is hard to say, but the movie ended up going with an entirely different montage to explain how Wade went about creating his costume.
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Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.