8 Short Deleted Scenes That Almost Ruined Great Movies

1. "How 'Bout A Little Ice" - Titanic

How About A Little Ice Titanic
20th Century Fox

The Deleted Scene: For a film with a runtime longer than the actual tragedy it's dramatising, Titanic has a inordinately high number of deleted scenes. Scenes that make Jack look like a bit of knobhead, more moments showing the real-life terror and even an alternate ending where old Rose explains the entire point of her story forBill Paxton/the audience were all left on the cutting room floor, and it's hard to argue against any of them being removed. This particular one comes just as the ship hits the iceberg; the unsinkable Molly Brown asks a waiter for more ice and, ho ho, a big chunk of it goes by the window behind her.

Why It's So Bad:ThatJames Cameron even humoured this idea is ridiculous. Less than three hours after the time this cheap joke is meant to be made, 1,500 people had died in the freezing cold Atlantic. It may be 100 years on, but boy does that feel a bit insensitive. Sure, some levity is needed in a three hour movie about love and death, but it works better during scenes of drifter Leonardo DiCaprio trying to act posh rather than the moment when everything goes to hell.

The iceberg strike is dealt with better in the finished film, but even then it's not perfect; it pretends that the fictitiousJack and Rose distracted the lookouts.

Which other deleted scenes could have ruined their movie, despite their short length? Share any we missed down in the comments.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.