8 Signs Fantastic Four Was Always Guaranteed To Suck

8. The Fight For The Rights

When Marvel were facing bankruptcy in the '90s, they sold off the film rights to some of their most popular characters. Spider-Man went to Sony, while Fox scooped up Daredevil, Fantastic Four, and X-Men. Since then, the House of Ideas has obviously capitalised on the characters they do own, turning B-List heroes like Captain America and Iron Man into A-List box office draws even more popular than those they originally pawned. The fine print of those deals has never been revealed, but it's thought that if the studios do nothing with the characters they own for seven years, the rights will revert to Marvel. That's why Daredevil went back to Marvel in 2012, and also why Fox rushed both X-Men: First Class and Fantastic Four into production (they can get around that seven year rule by keeping a project in active development). Make no mistake about it; Fantastic Four was rushed into production so the studio wouldn't risk losing the rights to Marvel. Their decision to do so was no doubt motivated by the fact that Marvel had made it clear they wanted Fantastic Four villains Galactus and Silver Surfer in 2012 when they offered Fox the chance to keep Daredevil - which would have robbed us of that amazing Netflix series - in exchange for them. Talk about an early sign this film wasn't being made for the right reasons. While many fans have spent this past weekend fantasising about the Fantastic Four going home, Fox can sit on the team for another four or five years before moving ahead with another movie, something that would then give them yet another seven years!

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