8 Signs Fantastic Four Was Always Guaranteed To Suck

6. Victor Domashev Controversy

Kate Mara put her foot in her mouth by revealing in an Esquire interview that Josh Trank had told her and the rest of the cast not to bother reading the comics while preparing for Fantastic Four, a statement which is easily the last thing fans of the source material want to hear. After this, everyone was convinced that this movie wouldn't be a faithful take on the team, and even more fans would turn against it as a result. This was made worse when Toby Kebbell confirmed those fears in an interview with Collider about his take on Victor Von Doom. Revealing that his version would actually be called Victor Domashev, the actor described the beloved villain as an "anti-social programmer" who is known as "Doom" only on blogging sites. Needless to say, the outrage at these comments online was massive. Fans were horrified at the character - a Latverian dictator in the comics - being botched on the big screen for a second time, and the fact that Doctor Doom was essentially going to be transformed into an internet troll led to the movie being widely ridiculed by even non-fanboy websites. Now, most movies would forge ahead regardless of a vocal online reaction like this, but Fox (clearly lacking confidence in Trank's vision) removed almost all of this from the movie in response, and the only glimpse of Victor Domeshev which remains is perhaps his first scene in Fantastic Four which sees a dishevelled Kebbell sat in front of a number of monitors and using technology to control his surroundings. The actor would later try and talk his way out of the controversy by claiming what he had said was just a "rumour." Eh?

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.