8 Signs Fantastic Four Was Always Guaranteed To Suck

4. 40 Pages Of Reshoots

Despite the fact that some sites like to make a big deal out of a movie undergoing reshoots, they're perfectly normal, and pretty much every major release has at least some. However, despite writer/producer Simon Kinberg's claims that Fantastic Four would only undergo them for a few days, The Hollywood Reporter's Borys Kit has since revealed that as many as 40 pages worth were done. The fact that Kinberg even found it necessary to comment on Bleeding Cool's claims that Fox execs were describing the movie as a "mess" says a lot, and this ultimately just gave us all another reason to worry about Fantastic Four. It's a shame too, because the first trailer actually won a lot of people over, especially as the tone Trank was going for started to become clear. Tellingly, the majority of scenes in that teaser weren't in the final cut. While watching the movie, it's easy to see where the new scenes begin thanks to Kate Mara's hilariously awful wig (the actress cut her hair shortly after filming wrapped), while other notable changes include the mysterious substance on Planet Zero being changed from red to green in what seems to be an attempt to simplify Doom's origin story. Some recently revealed B-Roll footage spilled the beans on even more drastic alterations. Reed, Sue, and Johnny - it's not clear where The Thing was at this point - would have originally travelled to Planet Zero in a ramshackle Fantasticar created by Reed and hinted at during the opening scenes of the movie when his teacher poked fun at the youngster for wanting to create a flying car. It's clear that whatever Fantastic Four was at one point, the reshoots turned it into something completely different...

Josh Wilding hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.