8 Signs Ghostbusters Won't Be As Bad As You Think

6. The Exorcist Sequence Looks To Be A Single Beat

By far the worst part of the trailer is the bizarre final beat where we're introduced to the "new" concept of ghosts possessing humans through a notably unfunny extended gag parodying The Exorcist. Not one element of it works, which I think is in large part due to jokes about rotating heads and the power of christ compelling you being a bit old hat; it would have been a bit after the fact if Ivan Reitman had included these in the 1984 original. Although this could be another case of the trailer mis-selling the joke, it's very possible this is just be a dud of a sequence. Which sucks, of course, although it shouldn't really impact the movie as a whole. Breaking down the scene, Melissa McCarthy's Abby is going to get possessed, try to kill Kate McKinnon's Holtzmann, only to be stopped by Leslie Jones' Patty. That's pretty much it; beginning, middle and end. There may be additional padding meaning the whole thing is a bit stretched out, but this is going to run five minutes tops and hopefully not have a major impact on the plot (toys have already given away the movie's important possession). In a two minute trailer, this has a major, negative effect, but in a two hour movie this misfire of a joke should fade into the background.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.