8 Signs J.J. Abrams Understands Star Wars Better Than George Lucas

6. Star Wars Needs To Be Mythic

Lucas€™ prequel trilogy put a spotlight on the politics governing the Star Wars universe. Some fans took umbrage with Star Wars' new focus on the inner workings of the Republic; the massive spectacle that attracted audiences to the original series sometimes took a back seat to scenes of senatorial debates. Star Wars€™ mythology transformed from the universal to the esoteric.

The first Star Wars film focused on an archetypal hero journey that resembled a common story found in mythologies throughout the world. Lucas purposefully designed Luke€™s character arc to play on this archetype so it would appeal to a mass audience. The Phantom Menace changed the saga€™s outlook. Young Anakin Skywalker's story resembled the hero archetype, but the focus of the film ended up being diffused between different political factions warring over trade routes.

In an interview with StarWars.com in 2006, Abrams demonstrated a keen understanding of what made Star Wars resonate with fans worldwide, citing Luke€™s journey as a universal story that everyone could relate to. Abrams€™ understanding that Star Wars€™ universality is part of its appeal makes him seem more in touch with the spirit of the original Star Wars than the George Lucas who directed the prequels.


I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.