8 Signs J.J. Abrams Understands Star Wars Better Than George Lucas

3. Star Wars Needs To Be Iconic

In his prequel trilogy, George Lucas defied some fans' expectations by not relying on the iconography of the original trilogy. Much of the prequels' vehicle designs and alien worlds were vastly different than the ones found in the original trilogy. Even though The Phantom Menace made a pit stop in Tatooine, most of the imagery was out of keeping with the original films. From a story perspective, Lucas' choice made sense. The prequel trilogy takes place decades prior to the original trilogy so the technology and fashion would logically differ substantially. Even though it may be aesthetically justifiable, this artistic choice robbed the prequels of the iconography fans identified the franchise with. It wasn't until the Revenge Of The Sith that Lucas chose to feature some of the more iconic Star Wars staples like the Death Star. Abrams seems to understand that the Lucas€™ decision to shy away from the original trilogy's iconography made the prequels feel like an ersatz Star Wars. In his 2006 interview with StarWars.com, Abrams said he was most affected by the prequels when Sith featured the original sets from Episode IV. The Force Awakens trailer showcased the iconic Millennium Falcon, signalling Abrams will correct Lucas€™ misstep.

I'm YA writer who loves pulp and art house films. I admire films that try to do something interesting.