8 Simple Fixes To Improve Star Wars: The Last Jedi

1. Cut ALL The Goofy Comedy

Star Wars The Last Jedi Hux Domhnall Gleeson

There is a LOT of really goofy, awkward comedy in The Last Jedi, and it feels right out of the Disney guidebook on "How To Doctor Scripts To Make Them More Fun! Yay Edition"

Face-planting Hux, the “reach out” comment being taken literally, Finn's pratfall when first waking in the bacta suit, Luke's “Alright, that is pretty much nowhere” reply to Rey saying she's from Jakku...

Ditch the LOT of it. The movie simply doesn't need these scenes and immersion-breaking "gags", and a general sense of adventure and levity still comes from the way every other scene is shot. Y'know, like every other action movie in history?

The comedy annoyed far more people than it worked on, and The Last Jedi would be infinitely better without it.

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