8 Star Wars Mysteries You Didn't Know Were Answered

4. Where Did The Podracers Place In The Boonta Eve Classic? - Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace

Star Wars Mysteries

You're obviously well aware of who won the iconic Episode I - The Phantom Menace Boonta Eve Classic podrace. But one thing that isn't super clear in the picture itself is where the rest of the alien field placed.

Despite starting off with a whopping 18 different racers, only six of those competitors actually finished the damn thing.

Sebulba was the most notable crasher, but Ratts Tyerell (whose poor little family were watching on!) actually lost his life in the perilous, high-speed race.

As for who followed Anakin Skywalker in 1st place, though, 2nd belonged to Gasgano, the four-armed Xexto, 3rd to the Glymphid Aldar Beedo, 4th to Ebe E. Endocott, a Triffian, 5th to Fluggrian Kam Nale (a.k.a. Elan Mak), and sixth place went to Sneevel racer Boles Roor. 

That solves one mystery then. And as for precisely how long it took little Ani to win his freedom and the hyperdrive parts needed to get Qui-Gon and pals off the planet? 15 minutes and 42 seconds was his impressive three lap time.

Now that is podracing.


Lifts rubber and metal. Watches people flip in spandex and pretends to be other individuals from time to time...