8 Star Wars Questions That Always Confused You

6. What Powered The Darksaber?

star wars questions

Since its canonical introduction in the 2008 Clone Wars series, fans have found themselves captivated by the Mandalorian Darksaber.

Created by the first ever Mandalorian Jedi, Tarre Vizsla, eons ago, the Darksaber came to be an object of power on Mandalore, where whoever wielded it could lay claim to being the planet's rightful ruler. The Darksaber differs in a great many ways to other lightsabers, boasting a black core and a distinct shimmering noise as opposed to the low drum of more traditional laser swords. It also has a unique hilt, more angular and less cylindrical than most other lightsabers.

Apart from the exposition provided in shows like The Clone Wars and The Mandalorian, not much is really known about the Darksaber's creation, or what makes it so different to those other lightsabers apart from the fact it's powered by a rare black kyber crystal. This is an interesting detail, given how kyber crystals are typically colourless until they make their connection to a given Jedi, which is when they take on their distinctive blue, green, or sometimes purple hue.

Yellow, orange and white lightsabers have also been recorded (the latter of which Ahsoka created by purifying the crystals in a pair of red sabers), but so far the exact origins of the Darksaber, and more specifically the reasons why it's so unique, remain elusive.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.