8 Star Wars Questions That Always Confused You

1. How Are Red Lightsabers Made?

star wars questions
Marvel Comics

So before we took a brief look at how a Jedi would construct a lightsaber of their own. The process entails them sensing their own crystal through the Force, then (traditionally) making a pilgrimage to a planet where the crystals are abundant to find their weapon. Once activated in a hilt they'd fashioned, the crystal would emit either a blue, green, purple, yellow or other such blade, and the process would (sort of) repeat itself if they ever sought another saber or needed their old one replaced.

But this also raises questions as to how the Sith would create their own lightsabers. Would the kyber crystals naturally lend themselves to the dark side? Do the Sith also have their own sacred planets to travel to and harness the power within? Y'know, that sort of thing.

The process, as it turns out, is a little more violent. In a way exemplifying the dark side and how the Sith bend the Force to their own will, the most common way a Sith Lord would obtain a red lightsaber would be to steal a crystal from a fallen Jedi, or, if they were once a Jedi themselves, use their own. Then, they would corrupt the crystal - a process known as bleeding - which would turn it red.

Kyber crystals are inherent tools of the light side of the Force, so every Sith has to obtain their own by battling the will of the Force itself. For instance, when he became Darth Vader, Anakin Skywalker bled the crystal belonging to Jedi Kirak Infil'a and then constructed a hilt similar in design to his old weapon. It just goes to show just how evil the Sith truly are.

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Resident movie guy at WhatCulture who used to be Comics Editor. Thinks John Carpenter is the best. Likes Hellboy a lot. Can usually be found talking about Dad Movies on his Twitter at @EwanRuinsThings.