8 Stressful Horror Movies That Make You Sweat

6. The Purge: Anarchy

Inside 2007
Universal Pictures

There's no denying that you always know what you are going to get with a Purge movie, and The Purge: Anarchy certainly lives up to the expectation of palpitations and a high heart rate!

Starting afresh after the events of the first Purge movie, the audience meets a plethora of characters who all ultimately end up spending the night of the Purge together protecting one another in order to survive the annual holiday. The main individual whose arc the storyline appears to favour is Leo Barnes (played by Frank Grillo) and his revenge plot against a man who killed his young son drunk driving a year previous.

The entire premise of a Purge movie is that there is an abundance of individuals out on the streets who are looking for blood, and this film really increases this tenfold from its predecessor. Even if the plot maybe has a few holes in it, your heart rate is going to be through the roof by the time you even pick up on these mishaps, and it's more than worth it!

A fantastic mashup of action and horror, The Purge: Anarchy does not skimp with the thrills and gore, and not to worry, if you still haven't got your Purge fix by the time the credits roll, there are three more movies to come!


Amy James hasn't written a bio just yet, but if they had... it would appear here.