8 Surprising Movie Villain Turns You Never Saw Coming

6. Tom - The Girl On The Train

The Girl On The Train Ideal Partner
Entertainment One

Quite obviously being made to ride the renewed hype in mystery thrillers kicked off by Gone Girl, The Girl on the Train wasn't all that great, but it did have one exceptional twist.

Throughout the movie, Emily Blunt's Rachel is trying to figure out whether or not she's responsible for killing a missing woman, as she was the last person to see her alive but can't remember her actions thanks to her wicked drinking problem. You know it's probably not going to be her who's actually responsible, but you never expect that it would be her seemingly supportive husband.

All the way through we're shown how Rachel's drinking is tearing the marriage apart, with her constantly getting into fights with her husband and even interfering with his career. However, it turns out that these stories weren't actually real, and he was using her drunken blackouts as an excuse to fabricate lies about what she got up to, all the while getting away with his own abuse.

Maybe it's because Justin Theroux is so hot-damn charming or maybe because the movie itself plays every trick in the book to blind you from the truth, but you never expect him to be involved in the murder, never mind be the manipulative, horrible husband he actually is behind closed doors.

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Gone Girl
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