8 Theories About The Origins Of Heath Ledger’s Joker

4. He Doesn€™t Know

The confidence with which Joker extolls his various stories (and the desire we all have to have narrative gaps filled) distracts from one possibility; perhaps even the Joker himself doesn't know where he came from.

How it came about isn't really important, but him not having any knowledge of where he came from furthers his embodiment as an agent of chaos, helping explain his contradictory nature and total detachment from his worst crimes. He hasn't got life experiences to shape him, with the psychopathic elements stemming from not having any emotional grounding (at least to his knowledge). Maybe he tells various stories in an attempt to give himself a past. It's all very abstract, but as an idea helps to make Joker even more impenetrable.

As we've already said, The Joker as a character is renowned for not having a discernible past so this really only pushes Heath Ledger's version into an even more literal take on the very ideals of the character.


Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.