$2 billion at the box office, a RottenTomatoes rating in the nineties and merchandise profits that must eclipse those from cinemas: it's fair to say Star Wars: The Force Awakens is the massive hit everybody expected. Its biggest success can't be quantified with simple numbers though. After the prequels left lifelong fans feeling empty and George Lucas' subsequent work on the series saw it become a cynical parody of itself, The Force Awakens made everyone excited about Star Wars again; spin-off prequel Rogue One is one of 2016's most anticipated movies and people are already developing complex theories for how Episode VIII and beyond will go down. And, of course, while we wait for more to come, fans have intently analysed the new film, dissecting every scene and looking deep into J.J. Abrams' mystery box for Easter eggs, references and in-jokes. Since release so many of the film's big secrets have been revealed - it took mere hours for people to spot Daniel Craig's hilarious stormtrooper cameo and since then there's be an endless stream of exciting behind-the-scenes and contextual information, from Alec Guinness and Ewan McGregor's shared Obi-Wan appearance to the backstory of bizarre fan favourite TR-8R (who Lucasfilm have unsuccessfully tried to get people to call "Nines"). But despite all that trivia surfacing, there's still some pretty major hidden details that haven't been picked up on; interesting references missed and big clues towards the franchise's future forgotten. Here are the eight biggest things from Star Wars: The Force Awakens everyone needs to be talking about.