8 Things J.J. Abrams Doesn’t Want You To Know About Star Wars: The Force Awakens

8. Oscar Isaac And Domhnall Gleeson Don€™t Share Any Scenes

They may be the big new faces of Star Wars after the trailer, but John Boyega and Daisy Ridley will have a (relatively) easy ride up to the release of The Force Awakens; it's both their only major 2015 release. Feel sorry, instead, for Oscar Isaac and Domhnall Gleeson - the pair have multiple movies out this year, and each press interview for them leaves the actors having to deflect an obligatory Star Wars question. Obviously the actors are sworn to secrecy (also contracted), so answers to questions like "Are you a Jedi?" or "Are you Luke's son?" can't be answered with little more than "I can't discuss it", although that doesn't mean they haven't let some secrets slip. When being interviewed for the UK release of Ex Machina, Gleeson was questioned about reteaming with co-star Isaac on The Force Awakens, and the response was rather eye-opening. The actor revealed he had no idea Oscar was even involved in the film before that now-iconic cast read and seriously down-played the pairs interaction on screen. Which basically means Poe Dameron and Gleeson's character don't have any scenes together. What this means for Gleeson is left to speculation - is he an Imperial, or some sort of rogue unaffiliated with the former-Rebels (where Dameron is a pilot)?

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.