8 Things That Don't Look Anything Like They Do In Movies

4. Getting Punched In The Face Is Not Okay

If we're lucky, most of us will go through life without receiving too many blows to the head, but our favourite movie heroes are always getting battered about, which definitely can't be good for them.

Remarkably, most rugged protagonists will take a punch like a champ and will barely skip a beat before delivering swift vengeance. The British Journal of Sports Medicine found the average force of an Olympic boxer's punch was 3,427 Newtons, which is enough force to literally punch through a brick. The good news is that the mobility of the neck prevents boxers' heads from exploding messily on impact. The bad news is that this causes the brain to slosh around like a poorly-set jelly in a washing machine.

The initial impact of the punch will be enough to completely disorient the unlucky recipient, scuppering any chance of retaliation in the near future. As Mike Tyson puts it (and he should know): "Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth."

Seeing as many silver screen heroes seem to make a career out of getting punched in the face, they've also got the long-term effects to contend with. The effect of the aforementioned jelly in a washing machine is that repeated blows to the head can have horrific long-term consequences. The evidence suggests that, once you've had a concussion, you're three times more likely to get another one and enough trauma over time will result in chronic traumatic brain injury, leading to advanced dementia and death.

The cumulative effect of getting repeatedly knocked about would soon reduce the likes of Jason Bourne and James Bond to shambling wrecks.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.