8 Things That Don't Look Anything Like They Do In Movies

6. Dinosaurs Are Like Big Angry Ducklings

By Domser (Own work (Original text : eigenes Werk)) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons

You've probably heard by now that dinosaurs are not quite what we thought. Instead of the sleek, scary lizards we imagine, the paeleontological evidence suggests that most of them were probably covered in fluffy feathers. These probably weren't even the sleek plumage of modern birds, but more of a primitive fluff.

Frankly, I would watch the hell out of a movie full of fuzzy, fluffy, feathery dinosaurs thundering around and trying to look like really intimidating corgi pups but, alas, it seems that Hollywood is reluctant to keep up with the latest findings.

Despite the fact that the first fluffy, non-avian dinosaur was described way back in 1996, just after the release of the first Jurassic Park, the makers of the subsequent movies in the franchise have actually had an explicit "no feathers" policy. You can sort of see why, as it's probably more difficult to build tension if the main antagonist looks like an oversized duckling. The lack of feathers in Jurassic Park/World is justified by some by the fact that the dinosaur DNA was spliced with amphibian DNA and, as you may have noticed, amphibians don't have feathers. Unfortunately, amphibians don't have scales either so, nice try, but that doesn't make a lick of sense.

The discovery of fuzzy dinosaurs certainly ruffled lots of feathers (not sorry) in those who grew up with scary dinosaurs in their movies, which is probably why filmmakers are so reluctant to change their ways any time soon.

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Writer. Raconteur. Gardeners' World Enthusiast.