8 Things That Say An MCU Marvel Zombies Is Actually Possible

8. It Could Be Only Very Loosely Based On The Comics

While the idea of a movie based exactly on the Marvel Zombies comic book concept seems insane - and it absolutely is - the fact is it wouldn't have to be identical to it. Look at Captain America: Civil War and, looking further ahead, at Avengers: Infinity War - there is no way that those movies are going to be exactly like the comic book arcs of the same name. A Marvel Zombies movie could easily be scaled down in the same way - the Civil War movie is going to have considerably less characters that its comic book counterpart, for example - so it isn't quite at the insane levels of the comic book series (although, to be honest, if Marvel Studios were to go all out and make it completely insane, it'd probably still be a hell of a lot of fun). That way, it would be more plausible.

I'm a Tottenham Hotspur fan who loves comics and comic book movies.