8 Things The Die Hard Movies Tell You About Christmas
3. Christmas Music Is The Worst
Hans Gruber is your typical well-bred, classically educated thief, capable of talking for hours about industrialization, epic poetry and mens fashions, so it makes sense that this scholarly and refined gentleman would have the most epic musical theme imaginable. Not only does Hans whistle Beethovens Ode To Joy in the elevator, but the music plays on the soundtrack while the vault door opens. If only the rest of the soundtrack was as refined. When McClane presses Argyle, the limo driver, for Christmas music, he responds by playing Run DMCs Christmas In Hollis (It was December 24th on Hollis Ave in the dark/ When I seen a man chillin with his dog in the park) which just isnt in the same league. Sorry guys maybe next time. Still, thats better than Vaughn Monroes Let It Snow Let It Snow Let It Snow (The fire is slowly dying/ And my dear were still goodbye-ing), which mustve captured the imagination of the producers because they used it to end Die Hard and Die Hard 2. Rumours that McClane sang Frosty The Snowman in an early draft of Die Hard 2 were unconfirmed at presstime.
Ian Watson is the author of 'Midnight Movie Madness', a 600+ page guide to "bad" movies from 'Reefer Madness' to 'Poultrygeist: Night of the Chicken Dead.'