8 Things The Doctor Doom Movie Must Do

6. Cast Mads Mikkelsen As The Lead

doctor doom

Given that Doctor Doom will spend most of the film encased in metal, we're going to need an actor with a powerful voice to convey the character's imposing presence.

Who better than Mads Mikkelsen, a man who sounds like he's doing the best Victor Von Doom impression you've ever heard in every role he plays?

Mikkelsen has brought unsettling gravitas to the role of Hannibal Lecter, demonstrated striking screen presence as a Bond villain and even proved he has the chops to portray a Marvel villain when he took on the role of Kaecilius in Doctor Strange.

The definitive version of Doctor Doom is the more seasoned villain we've seen ruling over Latveria in the comic books, not Julian McMahon or Toby Kebbell's fledgling baddie, so we'll need a seasoned actor to match.

The only issue that could arise concerns Doom's origin story. We'd need a younger star to play the lead during those key years in college with Reed Richards - presuming the movie is going to depict them - but de-aging effects can work miracles these days.

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Doctor Doom
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