8 Things You Learn Watching Star Wars: The Force Awakens

5. This Is An Intense Nostalgia Hit

More than anything, The Force Awakens is an intense hit of nostalgia, especially in the first 45 minutes or so (which I€™ll look at next). From John Williams€™ famous opening twang, to the crawl of text, to the fantastic reveal of the Millennium Falcon, to Han and Chewbacca€™s already iconic re-entry into the franchise, Episode VII is a constant hit on the Star Wars fans€™ memory, delivering pleasurable strums to the G-spot of saga nostalgia which has been only teased by trailers and TV-spots up until now. The final reveal of Luke is one of the shots of the year, and for many it€™s the pent-up money shot that The Force Awakens promises for the best part of two hours. There are times when the nostalgia seems a little forced, as in when C-3PO is reintroduced late into the game, but for the most part Episode VII is a rip-roar through the space of memory.

No-one I think is in my tree, I mean it must be high or low?