8 Things You Learn When You Rewatch Star Wars: Return Of The Jedi

4. But The Battle Above It Is Spectacular

On the flip-side, however, is the battle above Endor, which is inter-cut with the aforementioned shenanigans on the planet and the Luke/Vader/Emperor scenes on the Death Star 2.0 (the editing of all three is finely handled, by the way). Immaculately captured in the image above, the sky is the most littered with action it had ever been at that point in the franchise (it would later be matched by the opening aerial battle of Revenge Of The Sith), and this remains the greatest space battle in the saga, taking the original one from A New Hope and turning it up to eleven. Immortalised by the meme-worthy (if you're into that sort of thing) Admiral Ackbar line, "It's a trap!", the scene serves as a thrilling respite from whatever is happening on Endor, and one only wishes that more time was spent in the sky than it was in the forest.

No-one I think is in my tree, I mean it must be high or low?