8 Times Superhero Movies Pushed The Boundaries Of PG-13

7. Superman Gets Snap-Happy - Man Of Steel


Towards the end of Zack Snyder's fan-dividing Man Of Steel, Superman (Henry Cavill) is forced to take extreme measures to protect a family when General Zod (Michael Shannon) attempts to get kill-crazy with his heat vision. Faced with the choice of watching innocents die or taking a life himself, Supes chooses the latter option and quite brutally breaks his enemy's neck.

Prior to this the pair of them basically levelled an entire city during their super-powered showdown, so you might argue that the hero finally putting an end to the villain (which does happen quite often in these movies) is nothing compared to the amount of off-screen casualties - but it's still stands out as a pretty graphic death scene for a PG-13 superhero flick.

Plus, it's Superman! Definitely a far cry from Christopher Reeve dropping Gene Hackman off to jail at the end of Richard Donner's movie.

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Freelance writer/editor/reviewer. Resides in Ireland, where it rains 11 out 12 months of the year, and the grumpy bastard wouldn't have it any other way. He has a passion for all things film and comic related, and also dabbles in amateur film making, screenwriting and photography.