8 Triumphant Movie Heroes Who Totally Deserved To Fail

8. Shaun - Shaun Of The Dead

Shaun-of-the-Dead-2004-17 You have to admire Shaun for his unbridled passion, at least. For his planmaking? Not so much. When London (and presumably the rest of the United Kingdom) comes under threat from zombie hell, Shaun decides that it's up to him to take charge, gather his friends and associates, and lead them to safety. But his plan, which ultimately ends in the deaths of everyone but him and his former girlfriend, Liz, is horrific in every sense. The fact that they both survived is a genuine marvel, given how he removes most of the gang from relative safety. Think about it. When he hears that the apocalypse has arrived, Shaun and best friend Ed drive to Liz's flat, where's she's barricaded in on the 1st floor with friends Diane and David. There's no way a zombie is getting in there, and yet Shaun opts to take them out of their impenetrable fortress flat and suggests that the local pub - which is anything but impenetrable, by the way - is their best bet for survival. What? Thing is, anybody who actually joins Shaun probably had a far better chance of survival just staying put. The fact that he, of all people, survived the onslaught, appears to be totally undeserved in retrospect: he blindly led everyone to an unsecured location and exposed them to an endless wave of zombies. Still, hilarious movie.
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All-round pop culture obsessive.