8 Unconfirmed (But 100% Happening) Upcoming Movies

2. Indiana Jones Reboot

Since Raiders Of The Lost Ark there hasn't been a time when someone wasn't trying to get a new Indiana Jones off the ground. George Lucas always envisioned Indy's adventures as a trilogy, and once The Last Crusade wrapped was keen to expand to a story about aliens. It took decades of wearing Steven Spielberg down, but eventually he got his wish to, let's say, less than favourable results. The original idea for after The Kingdom Of The Crystal Skull seemed to be for Shia LaBeouf's Mutt to take on the fedora, although the suckiness of both the film itself and the future meltdown-star's performance killed that in the water. But it didn't halt the general idea of more whip-snapping. As it became clear Harrison Ford couldn't convince as an action hero (shocker), the question of recasting reared its head. Bradley Cooper was the first major name linked, although recently the spotlight's shifted to man-of-the-moment Chris Pratt. So really, the question of a new Indiana Jones movie is less one of if, but of when. Disney were keen to downplay their plans for the other big Lucasfilm property so as to not distract from the awesomeness of Star Wars: The Force Awakens, but now that's in post-production and an all-but guaranteed mega-hit, they can began to move on a fifth Indy (hence the Star-Lord mumblings). The thing is, Indiana Jones is very much a product of its time. Going the Bond route and periodically recasting may seem smart, but it operates on the notion that a hero like that works outside of the eighties, where blockbusters were still being defined and the era it was throwing back to was culturally, rather than just historically, relevant. Still, if it must happen, Pratt's the best man for the job.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.