2. Unfriended
Actual Score: 61% Despite its shameless attempts to out-cool other horror movies of the found footage genre, it's impossible to tear yourself away from the happenings of Unfriended. Blatant teen-bait or not, this tech-savvy slow-builder is one of the best horror films to come out of this decade. But there will always be detractors when a film like this tries to place horror into an ultra-contemporary setting. "I wish this was more like the horror movies from the 70s, when they didn't rely on such cheap tricks!" they say, while stroking their hipster beards and drinking coffee poured out of a device that could probably be used to perform minor surgery. The only thing that really strikes a blow to Unfriended's chance at becoming an iconic piece of horror is its stock characters, none of which have enough screen presence to become the next Jamie Lee Curtis or Neve Campbell-esque scream queen. Instead, it's the technology that's the star here, utilising all of the various social media platforms to great effect. Adjusted Score: 80%