8 Utterly Boring Openings That Spoiled Great Movies

1. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

'My dear Frodo, you asked me once if I had told you everything there was to know about my adventures. And while I can honestly say I've told you the truth, I may not have told you all of it. 'Now before I spend ages telling you every minutiae of said adventures, including things there was no way I witnessed or was even aware of, let me tell you about another adventure. It€™s slightly relevant to my adventures, although once again don€™t question how I know it in such explicit detail. Oh, but before we get to the relevant things let me set up a town that bears no importance to my adventure or really the pre-adventure. There's also a dragon, but I don€™t feel I have the time to describe him just yet, even though I later saw him the flesh. 'Don€™t worry though. Once I€™ve told this story, that makes Galadriel€™s rings monologue look like a slight children€™s book, I€™ll excite you with washing-up songs and unmemorable dwarfs and, after a bit more exposition, we€™ll finally begin that journey I mentioned. It'll only take two short chapters/half a long film. 'Oh, I also forgot to mention this jewel thing which is kinda important, but I€™ll just mention that midway through because I think by then we'll be due some exposition.' - Bilbo Baggins
I€™m so glad to be back in Middle Earth. Know of any more rare films start terribly and end up quite good? Head to the comments and let us know.

Film Editor (2014-2016). Loves The Usual Suspects. Hates Transformers 2. Everything else lies somewhere in the middle. Once met the Chuckle Brothers.