8 Villains For Man of Steel 2

8. Lex Luthor

lex luthor Yes, those of us privy to comic book movie message boards and still-frame breakdowns of the MoS trailers already know, Lex Luthor's presence will likely already be at least acknowledged in MoS, as a building with a red white and blue 'LexCorp" sign adorned on top can be seen in trailer snippets. LexCorp being Luthor's billion-dollar industrial company, acquiring and merging smaller businesses into his own, LexCorp was created to separate Luthor from previous incarnations of the character as being a mad scientist of yesteryear and bring him more in line with a modern evil: ruthless capitalist. The theme of Superman fighting for the everyman against Luthor, a human himself believing in not just free markets, but free will of the human species to overcome their own obstacles without the help of a super-being alien from above, has been explored before in the comics, but would make for an exciting on-screen rivalry. This, combined with the LexCorp logo peeked in the trailer being colored in patriotic American hues, also brings up the possibility of an adaptation of the "President Lex" storyline for the MoS squeal, where Luthor runs for and wins the U.S. Presidency, and if done correctly, could add a whole other layer to the Superman versus the most (politically) powerful human on Earth. I'd buy my ticket now for that one!

A mild-mannered grad student writing on topics such as film, television, comic books and news.