8 Ways Batman V Superman Could Be A Total Let Down
4. Jesse Eisenberg's Lex Luthor
With Joaquin Phoenix originally eyed for the role of Lex Luthor, it's clear that plans for the villain were at one point very different. However, Jesse Eisenberg was still one of the most interesting parts of that Batman v Superman trailer released during Comic-Con, but the direction that this movie is taking the character in is hard to figure out at this point. He appears to be a Mark Zuckerberg type, a strange piece of irony considering the fact that Eisenberg played the Facebook founder in The Social Network a few years back. Does that mean we're going to be getting a copy and paste performance in Batman v Superman? It's certainly possible as the actor has yet to give fans a reason to be excited about his take on the iconic Superman villain (comparing Comic-Con to genocide didn't exactly win him a lot of support within the geek community either). This Lex looks a bit hipster douche - that's a nice way of putting it - and still has his hair. While he may end up bald by the time the credits roll, that's going to feel like lip service by that point, and this Lex doesn't seem to have much of a presence. In fact, it's near impossible to ever imagine him in the battle suit, while Eisenberg squaring off with Batman or Superman (or indeed Bruce Wayne and Clark Kent) even in a non physical confrontation is a laughable prospect. Lex is clearly Batman v Superman's big bad, even if that's only going to amount to him pulling the strings from the shadows. As a result, he's a character who will go a long way in either making or breaking this movie, and there's nothing to suggest up until this point that Eisenberg is going to bring something special to the table next year. That leaves us all with a good reason to be worried.