8 Ways Captain America: Civil War Could Ruin The Marvel Cinematic Universe

5. The Repercussions Of A Civil War Might Be Too Much To Deal With Moving Forwards

Captain America vs. Iron Man. Black Widow vs. Hawkeye. With every further installment in the MCU series, the franchise will be forced to move forwards whilst also acknowledging that whatever happens in Civil War happened; think how many relationships will change over the course of the movie, and how those changes will have to be constantly addressed. It's a lot of pressure to put on a franchise as big as this one, especially since there are already so many plot points in limbo already. And then there's also the little matter of... well, that these are characters who audiences have invested a lot of time and money in: are they going to appreciate the big changes that Civil War is bound to bring? Changing established superheroes and their allegiances (and potentially turning some of them into - for lack of a better term - "bad guys") could send shockwaves through the Marvel fanbase; there's a good chance that several fans won't be happy with the way some characters are dealt with, citing arguments like " would never do that!" and "Why is going against everything they believe in?" In short, it could get seriously messy if the repercussions of Civil War aren't respected later on - especially when there's just a single movie planned in which to establish and resolve the entire problem. It needs to be believable, and to ensure that it comes across that way, the Civil War story arc needs time. Time to play out, and time to heal afterwards.

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.