8 Ways Captain America: Civil War Could Ruin The Marvel Cinematic Universe

3. Captain America & Iron Man Being Shoe-Horned Into The Wrong Roles Could Ruin Their Characters

Consider what we know of the positions of the two main characters in the movie - Captain America and Iron Man - and then ask yourself: does that make sense at all? Firstly, there's the fact that the Captain America of the MCU seems like exactly the kind of guy who would be totally for superhero regulation. That's an assumption based entirely on the persona of the Captain America we've watched across the span of four movies, and nothing else. Still, doesn't it seem weird that he'd fight against a regulated system? Secondly, you're telling us that Iron Man - and again, this is the Iron Man of the MCU that we're talking about - is the Avenger who decides to rally for a regulated superhero system? That outright makes no sense, given what we know of his character. Tony has always been a free spirit, and it's difficult to buy into the idea that he goes to war with his fellow Avengers because he thinks that superheroes need to be kept under surveillance. Huh? Why? It almost seems as though these two characters should have been positioned the other way around - that Captain America should have been fighting for regulation, with Iron Man as the anti-government rogue. After all, when has Tony Stark ever shown any respect for the government? It genuinely feels as though these guys have been shoe-horned into positions that don't match their established personalities. If forcing characters into the head-spaces of people that simply aren't at all like them isn't the best way to screw up the MCU on the whole, then what - really - is?

Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.