8 Ways DC's TV Shows Have Already Beaten The Movies

2. TV Is A Better Format For Superhero Adaptations

There's a reason movie stars, writers, and directors are flocking to television. High quality dramas like Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Fargo, and True Detective (well, the first season anyway) have completely changed the game in terms of how stories are told in this format, and it's become blatantly obvious over the past few years that superhero properties are particularly well suited to the small screen. Daredevil and Jessica Jones are proof of that, but back to DC, and their 20+ episode dramas have all played out brilliantly thanks to them having so much space to breathe and balance an overarching narrative with standalone stories. Right now, The Flash is focused on taking down Zoom and closing the breach between Earth-1 and Earth-2, but the series has still found time to dedicate episodes to the likes of Grodd. There are more than enough great comic book movies out there which prove that those too can tell amazing tales, but these characters simply work better on television. If a movie is a graphic novel, then a TV show is like a monthly comic, and there's something which is just more satisfying about the latter. Seeing as Man of Steel failed to tell an effective story in over two hours, these shows definitely have the upper hand right now.
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