8 Ways Deadpool Is Changing The Game

1. Hey - It Turns Out Audiences Are Totally Fine With Heroes Killing In Cold Blood

Is it a sign of the times? Are people so fed up with reading all of those sensationalist news stories about killers getting away with murder and bad people not getting their comeuppance, that we scoff at heroes who incarcerate their foes? And cheer on those anti-heroes who do the supposed necessary?

People don't usually blink twice at heroes who execute their foes - James Bond never gets a second look - unless it's an inbuilt trait of the character - that they refuse to, especially if it's a superhero (such was the criticism levelled at Superman offing Zod in Man Of Steel).

Along comes Deadpool, a superhero, who's kicking ass, taking names and then killing the people who own those asses and names, and it's perfectly fine. We're either desensitised to it, or we're all in agreement that these (fictional) bad people deserve to die. Whatever the reason, the general public seem to be okay with it - especially those with no prior knowledge that this is what the character is all about anyway - the educating moment being the "f*cking kebab" line.

Maybe now we'll start seeing an end to the trite "heroes don't kill" theme that tends to populate a lot superhero movies. Heck, even Zack Snyder is advertising Batman as being more brutal in Batman V Superman - an announcement that was met with a chorus of nodding heads. Batman should be more violent. And Deadpool has paved the way for him to do so.

Did you think Deadpool was a game-changer? Or is it just more of the same? Have your say down in the comments. And be sure to check out our review for more Deadpool goodness.


Cinephile since 1993, aged 4, when he saw his very first film in the cinema - Jurassic Park - which is also evidence of damn fine parenting. World champion at Six Degrees of Separation. Lender of DVDs to cheap mates. Connoisseur of Marvel Comics and its Cinematic Universe.