8 Ways Rosie Huntington-Whiteley Could Become A Worthwhile Actress

8. "Ugly Up"

Sadly, this is an obvious one. RHW is a good-looking woman, but it would take some sort of physical transformation for some of the more ignorant amongst her audience to see what a good actress she might become (remember, this is all hypothetical and down-the-line thinking). She has a way to go before she can be called a bonafide engaging presence, but once she has taken on a few of the pointers listed beforehand and if some people still see her as €œthat hot chick in Transformers€, this will show them up. A perfect example is Marion Cotillard- she is completely unrecognisable in La Vie en Rose, and it showcased what an incredible actress she is. Now, of course she is one of the most beautiful women in the world, but if her big debut in the states had shown her au natural, she might not have been taken seriously. And, of course, more often than not those incredibly liberal-thinking and open-minded voters from AMPAAS choose actresses who €˜ugly up€™- case in point Melissa Leo, Mo€™Nique, Charlize Theron€ It€™s sad but true for many women in Hollywood.

Aspiring Director, Screenwriter and Actor. Film is my passion, but I indulge in TV, Theatre and Literature as well! Any comments or suggestions, please tweet me @IAmOscarHarding