8 Ways The Marvel Cinematic Universe Has Ruined Marvel Comics

7. The End Of Female Loki

When J. Michael Straczynski brought Thor back from the dead, he modernised the God of Thunder's costume and speech (words like "Thou" and "Verily" thankfully vanished from his vocabulary). The movie had nothing to do with any of that though as this all happened years before the release of Thor in 2011, but when that started casting, the Marvel Universe lost one of its most interesting and original villains; Lady Loki. Many Asgardians emerged from Ragnarok quite a bit differently, but it was the God of Mischief's transformation which provided the biggest shake up. In the stolen body of Sif, Loki being a woman changed the dynamic between her and Thor quite a bit and gave the comics a much needed A-List female villain. In the build up to the release of Thor though, Marvel quickly did away with Lady Loki and brought back the classic version. That was a disappointing decision, especially as fans had embraced this new Loki. Of course, this change took place back when Marvel were a little less heavy handed with following the movies (giving Spider-Man organic webshooters to tie into Sam Raimi's movies for example rather than totally changing his personality), but nowawdays the comic book version of Loki is basically just a less interesting version of Tom Hiddleston.

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