8 Ways New Batman V Superman Trailer Made You Change Your Mind

2. The Movie Will Give Time To Those Other Justice League Superheroes

What You Originally Thought: Batman v Superman's subtitle is "Dawn of Justice," of course, which is Warner Bros. way of telling fans that they want the movie to be a bit more than just one long fight scene: it wants to kick start its own version of The Avengers. It was already made clear, as a result, that a bunch of other superheroes - namely The Flash, Aquaman and Wonder Woman - would appear in the movie, but in recent months - and with the exception of Wonder Woman - the extent of their screen time has been played down. It was rumoured that The Flash and Aquaman would appear for just a few seconds, either in background shots or as experiments concealed within Lex Luthor's lab. Hm. How The New Trailer Changed Your Mind: Aside from featuring a whole bunch of shots showing Wonder Woman both in and out of costume and in battle (thus confirming that she has a rather hefty role in the film), the new trailer does, in fact, convey that the other Justice League heroes might have much larger roles than has been recently rumoured - and in some cases, origin stories, which will ease the fears of fans who were worried that several famous superheroes were going to be shoehorned into the film with little respect for their pasts. That's going by a brief shot in the trailer that depicts a small boy swimming with a shark, anyway, which seems to suggest that Batman v Superman will focus - at one point - on a young Aquaman doing his thing. Why other purpose would a shot like this have, after all?
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Sam Hill is an ardent cinephile and has been writing about film professionally since 2008. He harbours a particular fondness for western and sci-fi movies.