9 Actors Who Begged For Their Movie Characters To Die

1. Harrison Ford - Star Wars

Harrison Ford Han Solo
Twentieth Century Fox

Why He Wanted To Die

It's tempting to think Harrison Ford was always just a curmudgeon and wasn't keen on continuing as Han Solo after his first appearance, but his desire to retire him prematurely was nothing to do with character fatigue. Instead, Ford has said that he wanted Solo killed because it fit his arc:

“I asked him to ask the writers to kill me off, because I thought that it would be good that the character who appeared to have not so much of a complex interweaving with the theme of the Force and all that good stuff... I thought it would be good that the character, if he sacrificed himself in some noble way.”

He's clarified similar more recently too:

“I think it's a fitting use of the character. I've been arguing for Han Solo to die for about 30 years, not because I was tired of him or because he’s boring, but his sacrifice for the other characters would lend gravitas and emotional weight.”

How It Happened

Well, initially it didn't, but then Ford eventually got his way when he returned for Star Wars: The Force Awakens and Ben Solo closed his eyes for the final time. Heartbreak ensues, but Ford was presumably pretty happy.


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