9 Actors Who Made Better Versions Of Previous Films

8. Ben Stiller - Heavyweights & DodgeBall: A True Underdog Story

Ben Stiller Heavyweights Dodgeball
Buena Vista & Fox

If you don't remember the 1995 comedy Heavyweights, don't feel bad. Barely anyone does. The film takes place in a fat camp, where the kids staying there are terrorised by a malevolent fitness guru played by Ben Stiller, who to make matters worse has bought the camp.

Naturally Stiller's villain is eventually foiled by the ragtag team of overweight misfits, and a post-credits scene reveals that he now works as a door-to-door salesman selling homeopathic "healing" crystals (or as he calls them, "transformational facilitators"). Oh dear.

DodgeBall, released almost a decade later, once again casts Stiller as the pantomime corporate honcho, who this time purchases the flailing, down-to-Earth gym owned by Peter LaFleur (Vince Vaughn).

Stiller's baddie, White Goodman, is wrecked by a team of weirdos in a dodgeball tournament, and the end of the movie reveals that he's now become grossly overweight and curses the day he ever met Chuck Norris.

Stiller even puts on the same deep, gruff bad guy voice in both movies, has awful hairdos and pulls a lot of the same demented faces. The fact that the shell plots are incredibly similar and his character trajectory is bafflingly identical is just the icing on the cake.

DodgeBall is an unmistakably better film, but Heavyweights has its charming moments also. They make for an intriguing double bill, honestly.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.