9 Actors Who Made Better Versions Of Previous Films

4. Liam Neeson - Non-Stop & The Commuter

Liam Neeson Non Stop The Commuter

Released in 2014, Non-Stop is the second of Liam Neeson's Hitchcockian collaborations with director Jaume Collet-Serra, starring Neeson as a down-on-his-luck Federal Air Marshal who must locate the terrorist plotting to kill a passenger aboard his plane every 20 minutes if he isn't paid $150 million.

It's a functional, serviceable thriller that's rife with red herrings, amusing villain reveals and a grizzled Neeson doing his thing. Earlier this year, Neeson and Collet-Serra re-teamed for the suspiciously similar thriller The Commuter.

Mockingly billed as "Non-Stop on a train", the film again casts Neeson as a sad sack family man who finds himself embroiled in a murder plot, this time attempting to stop the assassination of a key murder witness on-board the train. Again, there are false flags all over the place, a secret villain emerging from the shadows, and Neeson improbably leaping away from a giant explosion at the end.

There are obvious differences in the twisty narratives of each, and though The Commuter was criticised for playing a little too similar to Non-Stop, it's actually a bit of an improvement thanks to its more consistent tone and some unexpected social commentary.

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Stay at home dad who spends as much time teaching his kids the merits of Martin Scorsese as possible (against the missus' wishes). General video game, TV and film nut. Occasional sports fan. Full time loon.